Hello everyone my name is Freddy. If you are here it is probably because you are either one of my friends from Xbox LIVE or someone I know in person. If you are anyone else then you probably must have stumbled across this blog, but no worries you may still enjoy it.
If you haven’t already I would like you to read my about page above. Although I’m a pretty nice guy I might say some nasty things on here sometimes. I’ll try to keep my words as necessary as possible although I can’t guarantee that I won’t break out in rants. After all this is my blog I should be able to say what the fuck I want. To start off, I have a pretty normal life. I have a good family, live in a nice neighborhood and have a few close friends. Many of my hobbies are pretty common. I like to write, sing, and I like graphic design and videogames. I’ve liked singing for quite some time now and my level of talent has been increasing as I’ve been getting older. I’m currently looking to be in a band but hopefully that will be done soon.
I like writing usually only during random times of my life. Through school I’ve realized that I’m not good with taking electives revolving around things I find fun. I know this makes no sense but it’s true. The things I like are artful but the problem is art can’t be forced, not with me at least. Here’s some examples. I’m on my way to tenth grade and I’ve been in choir since sixth grade, but near the end of this school year I realized I just didn’t want to sing during that period of my life. Now I’m singing again but it wore me out to sing things I just couldn’t force myself to like. I’m not saying I don’t want to be a great-sounding singer and that choir singers aren’t good. I’m just saying that I don’t believe that choir is necessarily what’s going to help me develop a good rocker voice like Bon Jovi or David Lee Roth.
As for art class, I used to love it in 7th and 8th grade when it consisted of a variety of different art but in 9th grade I took a drawing-only class and it bored me because I was given no room to explore what other art I liked which definitely wasn’t drawing. For writing I took a class called Writer’s Workshop for the last two quarters of my year. At first I was doing fine but I then stopped writing my journal entries (ironic isn’t it?) and all I did was dick around in class. I failed the first half of that semester because I refused to read a book and do a report but I immediately felt dumb about that when my dad made me read and report on a book which only took me around 4-5 1/2 hours altogether. *facepalm* The next quarter I got a B+ which was a much greater step up from an F. The reason I passed so greatly was because I did all my work, even during my vacation to Florida when I was gone and I got a perfect A on my last assignment which was a collection of poems which was around 15 pages, these are the links to the poems.
Writer’s Workshop Final Project CollectionThose poems reflected what I was feeling at the end of they year, good and bad. I do that so I don’t come off as fake. No one is always happy so their work should reflect that. Music in general is a good example of that. The main reason I couldn’t find any inspiration for so long was because nothing was going on. Life was just boring, no drama or excitement. That concludes why I don’t do well in electives. Graphic design is something I’ve liked for a few years now on and off quite a bit depending on my critics and my interest level. My projects usually consist of forum sigs, wallpapers, stencils, avatars and other things. I have a hard time with graphic design sometimes though because people are too fucking harsh with their critiques. Usually it’s the assholes with absolutely no skills themselves. I know I shouldn’t be affected but it’s hard sometimes not to take it to heart. I’m not a master of GFX but I am getting better and I have fun doing it and that’s what counts.
Lastly, I love videogames so much. I mainly love playing Halo 3 on my Xbox 360. Honestly, I suck at games but gaming is an experience that many should get. It is very cool to play videogames online with people all over the world with Xbox LIVE. Although there is a good handful of assholes on LIVE that consists of racists, rednecks, and complete scumbags, LIVE is still a great place to meet new people and up the fun of your gaming experiences. I know this is becoming very long but this is basically my intro and rarely will my posts ever be this long.
Well, that's it for right now.