Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Love Beck and Breaking Shit With Bricks, but Fuck the White Sox!

Tonight I was very disappointed when my team the Minnesota Twins lost the tiebreaker game against the Chicago White Cox. Dumb assholes. I know I bitch at Buddah all the time for his ill informed opinions but I can be a hypocrite, especially when I'm as pissed as I am right now. All I want to say is fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! Whew! Glad I got that out of my system. Well today when I was on the web I stumbled across an anime series that is a few years old but I still like it. I only bought the first volume of the manga, but that is why I am watching the show ow. It is called "Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad" and it's about a boy named Tanaka whose luck changes when he starts hanging out with his dream girl and a tough rocker named Ryuusuke with a dog named Beck that looks like Frankenstein because of it's abnormalities. If you would like to watch the series go to the Anime section of Surf The Channel. The show is rated 16+ I believe but if you've been listening to the vulgarities on Gippy and the Buddah you probably won't mind.

This week I am really tense because I am under a lot of fucking pressure. I have to catch up a few of my grades, I have to work out every morning, do chores every morning, finish my network site, set up my paypal account, finish my network forums, make three podcasts weekly, change my look, make two full web templates, do chores, help some kids on YouTube with their show, get more Xbox LIVE months, buy videogames, get a job, and also focus on getting another computer to do my heavy work on such as Photoshop, video editing, gaming, podcasting and audio editing.

Holy shit that's a long list but anyways a few days ago I stumbled across a new series on YouTube called "Can It Break With a Brick?" and I was quite impressed, even with the video quality being fairly amateur. The idea is that a few guys put stuff on a small platform and drop bricks on it to see if it will break. I am going to help these guys and possibly help them make a video podcast version of their show for iTunes which will boost their popularity. Here is their latest video where they break apples. Enjoy!

If you want to see their channel go here.

Well that's all for now and make sure you use that subscription button!

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